Community Agencies

Kansas Community Agencies and Services

Cottonwood/CDDO (Douglas County)The Cottonwood/Community Developmental Disability Organization (CDDO) helps individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities access services and support in the
Families TogetherFamilies Together provides support, information, and training to families of children with disabilities and special healthcare needs.
Home and Community Based Waiver Service InformationThe Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services provides information on Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) programs for individuals with disabilities and older adults.
Independence, Inc.Independence, Inc. provides services and support to individuals with disabilities to help them live independently in the community.
Kansas Guardianship ProgramThe Kansas Guardianship Program provides legal guardianship services for adults with disabilities who do not have family or friends able to serve as their guardians.
Ready for GoodReady for Good is a social enterprise that employs individuals with disabilities to create sustainable products for the community.
Van Go, Inc.Van Go, Inc. provides arts-based programming for youth with disabilities and those facing economic, social, or other challenges.
Kansas Vocational Rehabilitation ServicesVocational Rehabilitation Services helps individuals with disabilities prepare for, find, and maintain employment.Quick Links

Other Resources

CEC Division on Career Development and TransitionA division of the Council for Exceptional Children that focuses on career development and transition for students with disabilities.
National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACT:C)A technical assistance and dissemination center that focuses on improving transition planning and services for youth with disabilities.
The Transition CoalitionA training and technical assistance organization that focuses on improving transition outcomes for youth with disabilities.
Zarrow Institute on Transition and Self-DeterminationAn institute that focuses on improving transition outcomes and promoting self-determination for youth with disabilities.